Need To Know How Your Scouts Are Doing?
We've reintroduced Scout Health on Scouts.Digital to show you how well your Scouts are progressing and if they need help
One of the challenges we face as Troop Scouters is "How are my Scouts moving through the Program?" and "Do any of my Scouts need attention?"Scouts.Digital helps here with a "Scout Health" percentage, based on each of your Scouts:
- Attendance at Programs
- Attendance at Events
- Advancement Badges Awarded (Including Challenge Badges)
- Advancement Tasks Singed Off
- Badges Awarded &
- Badge Advancement Tasks Signed Off
So, when your Scout attends a Program or Event, is awarded an Advancement Badge or a Badge (Any kind), or Advancement Tasks or Badge Tasks are signed off, we award that Scout some points. And based on the number of points achieved, we can determine, within a slight level of error, just how well each Scout is "Being A Scout".
We've also prioritised attending Events and working on Badges higher than the other elements, so doing one of these 2 tasks will award double the amount of points.
To see this in action, logon to Scouts.Digital and at the bottom of your Troop Dashboard (to the right of your Patrols) is a button that says "Health & Patrol Details". Clicking this button will detail each of your active Patrols and each Scout in these Patrols as well as some pertinent management information about each Scout.
As always, the "Read Me" button on the top right of this page will explain, in detail, how this works and what each element means.
If you are a Pack Scouter or a Den Scouter, don't despair, this functionality is on its way shortly. Watch this space.